Artist Statement

I originally studied computer science in China. However, as I came to America, I became increasingly captivated by the potential of materials and the act of making. As a result, I started to learn Metalsmithing techniques and jewelry design. Rooted in nostalgia for the carefree years and beautiful scenery of my childhood, my work has a playful undertone that is often combined with natural imagery. I use a narrative format to tell stories of my surroundings and manifest my memories in pieces rife with whimsy and symbolism. Following years of study in metalsmithing and jewelry design, I enlarged the format of my work from small-scale jewelry to wearables and installation sculptures. I use ready-made balloons to create an immersive environment as the exploration of experiencing intimacy. 
For my current research, I was fascinated by how objects hold their history, representing tradition and a legacy of cultural techniques. It led me to explore my interests in material cultural study and cultural heritage. My previous artistic expressions have focused on nostalgia and the whimsy of youth. However, as I have grown and evolved as an artist, my focus has shifted to more extensive feelings of nostalgia and homesickness, particularly concerning the complexities of identity and diaspora. I am particularly drawn to how materials and objects can be used to explore and express these themes.
I am excited to continue to explore the potential of materials and objects to tell the stories of our past, present, and future. Meanwhile, I am particularly interested in exploring new techniques and implementing innovative ideas.